CranioSacral Therapy by Emily Klik, LMT, CST
Gentle bodywork, helping you feel better in your body.
Email: EmilyKlikCst@gmail.com Cell phone, text preferred: 414-688-6522
Intake forms for Baby / Toddler clients in Wisconsin, age 0-3
Parent or guardian required to fill out intake forms and accompany minor client to sessions.
Please print and fill out the following 3 forms for your minor client's upcoming CranioSacral Therapy appointment: Intake WI Baby 0-3, CranioSacral Therapy Informed Consent, HIPAA Consent
If you are not able to print these forms in advance, no worries.
A blank set will be provided for you to fill out, upon your arrival to your appointment.
Having the forms filled out in advance will allow more time spent doing CranioSacral Therapy
during our scheduled session.
Please note this last form (called FYI HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices) is for your information.
It does not need to be printed and signed.