CranioSacral Therapy by Emily Klik, LMT, CST
Gentle bodywork, helping you feel better in your body.
Email: EmilyKlikCst@gmail.com Cell phone, text preferred: 414-688-6522
CranioSacral Therapy Study Groups and Private Mentoring
Hello! Emily Klik here. I've been exclusively practicing (Upledger) CranioSacral Therapy since 2002. I've also been a Teaching Assistant for the Upledger Institute since 2007, and love assisting other practitioners (like you!) in gaining confidence and trust in craniosacral palpation skills.
Upcoming VIRTUAL study group topics
For attending virtual study groups or mentoring, contact me via email or phone to make payment arrangements and get a Zoom link.
Cost: $20 per person for attendance at study groups. If you have a client present, there is no extra fee for your client.
Intra-oral technique review, and how to perform them on yourself
Sunday April 6, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Central Standard Time
In Upledger's CS2, we learn a series of techniques for evaluating and mobilizing the bones of the hard palate and face. In this study group, we'll review the intra-oral (mouthwork) techniques when performing on a client. To boost your self-care routine, I'll also show you how to perform these techniques on yourself, including my modifications to make them more effective for you. You can work on yourself during this study group. Or if you prefer, have a friend or client (in your space) to work on during this study group.
Pre-requisite CS2
Diaphragm releases, and applying the "diaphragm release" technique to the full body.
Sunday May 4, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Central Standard Time
During our sessions, we address Upledger's diaphragm release technique. We'll cover the 5 areas of transverse fascia in Upledger's 10 step protocol, the 8 diaphragms of osteopathy, including how to use the diaphragm release technique to address structures, nerves, nerve plexes, organs, joints, and organ systems, throughout the body. We'll review the signs of release, and approaches for working with multiple structures simultaneously. Plus I'll add a few ideas for applying this technique to specific tissues and organs, including the face, abdomen, thorax, and extremities; and describe how it can help clients with preparation and recovery for surgical and dental procedures. You can work on yourself during this study group. Or if you prefer, have a friend or client (in your space) to work on during this study group.
Prerequisite: CS1
Facilitated Segments, locating and addressing
Sunday June 1, 2025, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Central Standard Time
During this study group, we will review the definition and symptoms of facilitated segments. We will talk about the impact on the CNS and soft tissue including end-organs of affected nerve, review how to locate facilitated segments by arcing and dural tube traction, and discuss how to address them using Upledger CranioSacral Therapy techniques.
Bring your questions, your enthusiasm to learn, and your study guide. You can work on yourself during this study group. Or if you prefer, have a friend or client (in your space) to work on during this study group.
Prerequisite: CS1
When to treat outside of the 10-step protocol.
Sunday July 6, 2025, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Central Standard Time
Upledger's 10 step is a complete process that can offer a client a deeply therapeutic experience, while offering the practitioner a vast amount of information about the client’s tissues. To discuss a common question… when not to adhere to the 10 step protocol? We’ll discuss a few settings where altering / modifying the 10 step is beneficial to the client, and will offer a couple of modifications to help. We’ll also briefly discuss situations where performing a 10-step is an excellent idea. Questions welcome. Practical part includes practice of any CS1 -CS2 Upledger CST techniques. Bring your enthusiasm to learn, your questions, and your study guide.
Prerequisite: CS1
Private mentoring by appointment:
*1 on 1 in person, $60 per hour, 1 hour minimum, prorated after the first hour. If you'd like to practice techniques, bring a friend on which to practice CST techniques. For some techniques, I am willing to get on a table for you.
Mentoring over the phone or virtually: $20 per 30 minutes, by appointment, 30 minutes minimum.
For private mentoring, you have the option of covering subject material from any of the following Upledger courses (if you have completed the class): CS1, CS2, SER1, SER2, CSCN1, CSIR, CSIRAB, CSIREX, CSIRPE, CSIRTH, CSLRAP, CSP1, TBS1, SICS, CSWCD, CTTB1, CTTB2, CSCV1.
Any more questions? Contact me directly. Thank you!