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Looking for additional support?

Having a team of providers to support your ongoing well-being needs is helpful for balanced, optimal well-being.

These are my recommendations for additional provider support. 

Massage Therapy providers In Shorewood / Milwaukee WI

MetaMassage and Bodywork

Featuring LMTs: Kate Fitzpatrick, MSN, RN, LMT, CCT; Bree Malueg BS, LMT, CCT; Kylie Bayer LMT, MLD-V; Rose Strobel LMT, RYT - 200

Offering a variety of modalities and yoga practices.  

Psychotherapy / Counseling in Milwaukee WI, also available for virtual sessions.

Katie Bell, LCSW 

Caring, personal therapy to support your mental health.  Available for in-person and virtual sessions, Katie works with issues around self-esteem, relationship issues, anxiety, grief, loss, OCD, adjustment disorder, and depression and is accepting new clients.

Find more information, and contact her at

CranioSacral Therapy Providers In Milwaukee WI

Eleanor Nowacki, PT

Certified Feldenkrais instructor, Physical Therapist, and CranioSacral Practitioner. 




Jayne Ader, LMT

Her direct cell is 414-491-3986

CranioSacral Therapy providers In Chicago IL

Rebecca Decoster, LMT CST

Working with humans and horses, in Chicago and western suburbs.  Direct cell is 618-303-1415

Krissi Catarello, LMT

She is a yoga teacher, LMT and practices craniosacral therapy. $100 per session at home in Sauganash area of Chicago, and $150 for house calls.  Her direct cell is 773-573-8110. 

Susan Levine 

Buffalo Grove IL. Her direct cell is 847-962-5815. She charges $150 for the first session, and $100 per session thereafter. 

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as real strength ~ Saint Francis de Sales

Email:    Cell phone, text preferred: 414-688-6522

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